
Episode 1: Creative Ways To Save

“We believe an informed saver is an empowered saver. An empowered saver is able to make the best decisions for themselves and their loved ones.” The core reason we started Think Like A Saver is YOU. We understand that most of the saving advice that you find online just isn’t realistic. That’s because you are unique, and to be honest, it’s expensive to exist right now!


As they take you on the journey of becoming a more informed, empowered saver who can make the best financial decisions for you and your loved ones based on your unique situation.


  • Why they started their podcast
  • How YOU can start thinking like a Saver
  • And give you a TON of resources to help you get started!


“We believe an informed saver is an empowered saver. An empowered saver is able to make the best decisions for themselves and their loved ones.”

The core reason we started Think Like A Saver is YOU. We understand that most of the saving advice that you find online just isn’t realistic. 

That’s because you are unique, and to be honest, it’s expensive to exist right now!

In this episode, we dig in to how you can begin your savings journey by saving on the *life things* right now. 

We are empowering you with information to start saving, and giving you very human tips to personal finance that many personal finance gurus leave out (like, who the heck can just put away 3-6 months of expenses right now!?). 

Specifically, we’ll help you save money on:

  • Energy at home so you can cut down on your energy bill
  • Personal transportation so you can see your money at work
  • Lifestyle creep - that pesky trend that lets you spend more money when you earn more money
  • And other ways to save money NOW that don’t require upfront costs

When you learn these tips, you become better informed. 

When you are informed, you are an empowered saver. 

When you are an empowered saver, you can become a successful saver - and being successful has nothing to do with that outdated, boring personal finance advice that we’re all too used to hearing!



Get creative with what you already have. 

Instead of making a purchase, we encourage you to find a way to NOT spend money. This might mean repurposing something in your house rather than purchasing something on Amazon, using those extra ingredients in your pantry, or recycling an old outfit rather than purchasing a new one for an upcoming event!

Listen to more episodes here