Cleveland Saves

Set a Goal. Make a Plan. Take Action


Across Cleveland with neighboring counties and cities, people like you are proving you can start small and think big! Cleveland Savers are setting financial goals, tracking their spending and taking control of their financial future. These tips and tools can help you set goals, develop strategies to reach those goals, and start saving. So what are you waiting for?

When you take the Cleveland Saves Pledge, you will choose a savings goal and an amount to save. We will use the goal you choose to send you text message related to that specific goal. Text messages will come in the form of tips to help you find money to save, as well as advice and reminders to help you save for your specific goal. Let Cleveland Saves help reach your savings goal – and motivate you to save.

Don’t forget to share this with friends and family. It may be the thing that helps them set their goal to start an emergency fund, pay down debt, or save for items like education or retirement.

Saving Strategies:

Building wealth starts when you set a goal and make a plan to reach that goal. Whatever goal you choose – whether it’s buying a car, buying a house, or getting out from under your debts – learn about proven saving strategies and get simple tips on the best ways to save. Click on the links below to learn how to:

Contact Us

Cleveland Saves

Campaign Coordinator
Keith Davis
Homeownership Housing Counselor
Famicos Foundation
Phone: (216) 791-6476 x 374


Take the Cleveland Saves Pledge

It’s easy to be a Saver and it’s FREE! Simply: Set a Goal, Make a Plan, Take Action