2022 Summit Follow Up
Increasing Financial Confidence: How Emotions Affect Change took place on Wednesday, November 1st, 2022 with engaged leaders representing a diverse group of industries, organizations and government agencies.
Only the beginning...
The 2022 America Saves Summit, Increasing Financial Confidence: How Emotions Affect Change took place on November 1st with engaged leaders representing a diverse group of industries, organizations and government agencies. We discussed how emotions affect people's relationship with money, what behavior cycles are created as a result of those emotions, and what our role could be in helping Americans increase their financial confidence.
The exchanges and dialogue sparked new ideas and inspired attendees to reconcile and re-evaluate how their organizations talk to and reach the people we serve, along with the role diversity training and your messaging play in eliciting positive emotions, moving people toward action, behavior change, and financial confidence.
Thank you to our Speakers and Panelists!
We want to thank our speakers and panelists for investing their time and contributing their thoughts, experiences, and expertise. It was easy to see the value in such a meeting of minds and open discussion, and we're excited to see our collective solutions' impact on everyday Americans.
To see our full list of speakers and panelists, click here.
Takeaways and Thoughts
There were many 'AHA' moments throughout the day from our speakers, panelists, and guests who asked terrific questions that ignited dynamic conversation. Be sure to check out the live stream and #AmericaSavesSummit2022 on Twitter for great quotes, photos, and a summary of our day.
Many of the Summit's common themes can serve as a call to action for all organizations working toward encouraging a more financially confident America. Those themes include:
- Collective, collaborative partnership – sharing of ideas and strategies allows for more opportunities to collaborate and brainstorm on creative ways to reach our communities to increase financial confidence.
- The emotions tied to savings - emotions are often present for savers around the topic of finances, and what actions they take are often a result of those emotions. As a whole, the personal finance industry can take steps and action to build financial confidence.
- Addressing the savings lifecycle - In this panel, we discussed strategies for helping savers understand the savings lifecycle and share ways to answer the often-asked question, “How do you save for competing priorities?”
- Inflation and Rethinking How Americans Save for Emergencies - During this panel, we focused strictly on saving for emergencies despite existing barriers like inflation and the housing crisis. We’ll explore the best way to reach savers that inspire action, and the connection between saving for emergencies and saving for retirement.
- The Barriers to Saving for the Everyday American - During this panel, we discussed what internal and external barriers exist for individual savers, along with the barriers that exist for those who have a mission of helping people to save — such as employers, financial institutions, and financial professionals.
- Instilling Inclusive Financial Confidence - During this panel, we discussed how to move from teaching financial literacy and education to helping individuals become financially confident and build a lifelong habit of savings.
- Stories directly from Savers to help inform our programming and resources - During the Summit, we heard directly from America Saves savers to hold a real conversation surrounding their relationship with money.

Thank You For Your Commitment
Our closing call-to-action included specific ways organizations could collaborate and partner with America Saves toward building financial confidence, particularly for the most vulnerable populations and communities.
Thank you for joining us in the movement to instill and increase financial confidence!
If your organization would like to make an outreach pledge to encourage and motivate more Americans to feel financially confident in 2023 – let us know at save@americasaves.org.
What's Next?
Our commitment to encourage and motivate Americans to save successfully continues into 2023! Sign up to be a participating organization for #ASW2023 by visiting AmericaSavesWeek.org.
Military Saves Week 2023 is April 24-28! This Military Saves Week we’ll join together and elevate a global conversation that encourages military families to take control of their financial future. No matter where the people you serve are on their financial journey, they’ll clearly see the steps they can take now that will inform and shore up their financial confidence.
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Take the America saves pledge
Make a pledge to yourself and create a simple savings plan that works. Complete the Pledge and America Saves will send you short email and text reminders, resources and tips to keep you on track towards your savings goal. Become part of an entire community of savers. Get started now!
creative ways to fund your savings
Those with a savings plan are twice as likely to save successfully. Taking the America Saves Pledge is a pledge to yourself to start a savings journey and America Saves is here to encourage you along the way. Take the first step toward creating a better financial future. Make a plan, set a goal, and pledge to yourself to start saving, today.

Congrats on completing the pledge!
Take the America Saves Pledge
Make a pledge to yourself and create a simple savings plan that works.