Los Angeles Saves Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month Through Financial-Focused Workshops
Hispanic Heritage Month, running September 15 – October 15 is an annual celebration of the history and culture of the U.S. Latin and Hispanic communities.
America Saves empowers all, particularly those who are financially vulnerable, to build financial confidence through effective saving, debt reduction, and wealth-building strategies.
Hispanic Americans face unique challenges to both short and long-term savings.
We want to highlight the great work of one of our Local Campaigns, LA Saves, which recently hosted a homeownership workshop in Spanish at the Los Angeles County Library.
LA Saves will also host financial education workshops through the month of October at the Los Angeles Public Library.
The LA Saves team is made up of volunteers from financial institutions and local non-profits. They conduct financial education workshops using the FDIC Money Smart financial education curricula throughout the year.
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creative ways to fund your savings
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