06.01.2023 By Amelia Simons

Weighing Your Options: The Highs and Lows of Housing

With each move comes the infamous decision: “Should we rent this time, or should we buy?” While the answer to that involved many complex factors, here is what I learned along the way about the pros and cons of buying a home vs. renting a home.

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As a former military family, my husband and I have done our fair share of moving! With each move comes the infamous decision: “Should we rent this time, or should we buy?” While the answer to that involved many complex factors, here is what I learned along the way about the pros and cons of buying a home vs. renting a home.  

The Fulfillment of Homeownership 

Homeownership presents a unique sense of achievement. The pride of personalizing your space, making lasting memories, and establishing roots within a community are undeniably fulfilling aspects of this life milestone. 

Owning a home also allows you to build equity over time, serving as an asset and potentially appreciating in value. As you make mortgage payments, you are effectively investing in your own property, providing long-term security. 

The Challenges of Homeownership  

Now, sense of achievement aside, the path of homeownership is not without its challenges. Mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs can be substantial and require careful budgeting and planning. The responsibility of maintenance, unexpected repairs, and financial obligations can create moments of stress and strain.  

From leaky roofs to plumbing issues, unexpected expenses can be around any corner! We’ve owned really great homes and we’ve owned really not-so-great homes that came with many undisclosed issues, draining our entire savings account for the cost of repairs.  

Benefits of Renting  

For those seeking flexibility and an alternative route, renting offers a host of advantages. The ability to sample diverse neighborhoods, explore different living arrangements, and avoid the burdensome financial commitment of homeownership provides a sense of freedom and adaptability. Renting allows flexibility to ever-changing personal circumstances without the constraints of long-term commitments. 

The Considerations of Renting  

While renting offers its own set of benefits, it is not without its considerations. The transitory nature of renting can sometimes result in limitations on personalization and the need to adapt to property management regulations, your lease agreement, etc. Additionally, you're not always guaranteed to have a “good” landlord, and breaking a lease (for any reason) can come with large fees. 

However, renting can be an invaluable stepping stone in one's housing journey, allowing for flexibility while pursuing other aspirations or life milestones. 

The choice between homeownership and renting is a deeply personal decision influenced by financial considerations, lifestyle preferences, the current market, and future goals. While homeownership offers equity building and creative freedom, it also comes with financial responsibilities, including both minor and major repairs. Renting provides mobility and lower upfront costs, but the rental market can be tricky to navigate due to fluctuating rent prices, inability to build equity, your chances of finding a good landlord, etc.  

Ultimately, your decision should align with your long-term aspirations and current circumstances. By carefully weighing the pros and cons, you can confidently embark on the housing journey that best suits your needs and sets you on the best path forward. 


Ready to purchase your first home? Get accountability and support from America Saves! Make a pledge to yourself and create a simple savings plan that works. Be sure to choose Homeownership as your savings goal! Take the pledge.





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