Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring is here, and it's the perfect time for Savers to do a "spring clean" of their finances! In order to achieve a financial spring clean, Savers must first be able to obtain a clear view of their finances. America Saves has many resources to support Savers as they start or continue on their savings journey.

April is National Financial Literacy Month, and there’s no better time for us to commit to supporting individuals and families in their quest to be more financially confident by saving successfully and reducing debt. In this month’s America Saves Partner Resource Packet, you will find content that encourages getting a clear view of your finances, including ready-to-use social media posts, graphics, blog posts, and more.

Social Media & Blog Posts

Getting a Clear View of Your Finances

April is here, and i'ts the perfect time to do a "spring clean" of your finances! Step one? Getting a clear view!  Tune in to episode 9 of the Think Like a Saver Podcast by @AmericaSaves. >>  http://ow.ly/Zc9r50Nv3pm


Setting a monthly money date is a great strategy to prevent only talking about money when something goes wrong. Learn more in this post from our friends at @AmericaSaves! >> bit.ly/set-a-money-date


Not sure where to start when it comes to saving for competing priorities? Our friends at @AmericaSaves have you covered in this fun, engaging podcast episode! >> bit.ly/TLAS-podcast-3


Did you know that when you have a plan, you're twice as likely to save? Our friends at @AmericaSaves make it easy with the America Saves Pledge. Take it here. >> americasaves.org/pledge


Additional Content

So you’ve decided that it’s time for you to get (more) serious about your finances, particularly saving. Great! This is a critical moment that happens for most working-class Americans, no matter how much money they’re making. >> https://americasaves.org/resource-center/insights/how-to-start-your-savings-journey/

One of the first steps on the path of #FinancialConfidence is understanding your relationship with money. Take the “What’s Your Money Personality?” Quiz from @AmericaSaves to get insight on your spending habits. https://bit.ly/asmoneyquiz


Many Americans don’t have an accurate idea of the true state of their own finances, and around one-third are surprised to find that their situation is different than they thought. In this article, @AmericaSaves breaks down everything you need to know about setting a monthly money date. >> https://americasaves.org/resource-center/insights/what-you-need-to-know-about-setting-a-monthly-money-date/


April is National #FinancialLiteracyMonth! Using the Spending and Saving Tool from America Saves is a great way to get a clear picture of your household’s finances. >> https://americasaves.org/resource-center/insights/6-steps-to-establishing-a-spending-savings-plan/ 

Want a savings accountability partner? Take the @AmericaSaves Pledge and receive support that helps keep you focused on your savings goals via email, text, tips, and reminders: http://bit.ly/aspledge #FinancialConfidence #FinancialLiteracyMonth